
Dynadot Help

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  • How do I verify my checking account/direct debit account?

    If the verification status for your checking account/direct debit account is "Unverified", we require you to complete the verification before we can accept payment from your checking account. You can verify your bank account information with one of the following options:
    1. Verify through email confirmation (default): Our system will send the verification link to the email address associated with your bank account.
    2. Verify through SMS confirmation: Our system will send the verification code to the mobile phone number associated with your bank account.
    3. Verify through document upload: You'll be asked to securely upload documents to verify your bank account. Please note this verification option requires manual review and may take longer to process.

    If you want to change the verification method, please follow these steps:
    1. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
    2. Select "Payments" from the left-side menu bar to access your Payment Center.
    3. Click on "Bank Accounts".
    4. Find the checking account you wish to verify and click on the "Unverified" status.
    5. Select your preferred verification method from the drop-down, then click on the "Send to Verify" button.

    Once you successfully verify, your verification status will change to "Verified" and you'll be able to pay with your checking account/direct debit!

    • We currently only support US-based checking accounts.
    • The processing time for payment is typically 3-5 business days.
    • This payment type cannot be used for backorders or auction orders.

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