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성공적으로 저장되었습니다! 모든 저장된 기사는 Dynadot 도움말에서 찾을 수 있습니다 >저장된 기사들.
  • What is a .CA IDN Variant Bundle?

    The central registry for .CA allows these additional characters for IDNs: é, ë, ê, è, â, �, æ, ô, œ, ù, û, ü, ç, î, ï, and ÿ.

    When a .CA IDN is first registered, all variants of that IDN including the ASCII domain are reserved for the registrant to optionally register in the future. For example, if the domain çïrâ.ca is registered, only the same registrant can register cirâ.ca or cira.ca.

    Each domain in the bundle will be treated as a separate registration and costs the same as a new domain registration. The only difference is when changing the registrant Whois contact or transferring the domain, all domains in the bundle must be set to the new registrant or be transferred.

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