
Registry Expired Auctions

Place bids on high value expired domain names from our registry partners to expand your domain portfolio or develop your online presence.

Current Bid
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Has Bids
Current Bid
task.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $8888.88 | Bids : 70
3 days, 17 hours
autopilot.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $8100.00 | Bids : 52
3 days, 17 hours
dom.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $1009.00 | Bids : 26
3 days, 17 hours
our.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $2650.00 | Bids : 18
3 days, 17 hours
adaptable.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $1313.00 | Bids : 10
3 days, 17 hours
83.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $765.00 | Bids : 9
3 days, 17 hours
capitalism.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $300.00 | Bids : 7
3 days, 17 hours
debet.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $205.00 | Bids : 4
3 days, 17 hours
toolbar.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $155.00 | Bids : 4
3 days, 17 hours
carpool.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $304.00 | Bids : 3
3 days, 17 hours
rules.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $145.00 | Bids : 2
3 days, 17 hours
cria.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 1
3 days, 17 hours
doodles.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 1
3 days, 17 hours
hugo.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 1
3 days, 17 hours
kion.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 1
3 days, 17 hours
luup.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 1
3 days, 17 hours
10086.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 0
3 days, 17 hours
1666.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 0
3 days, 17 hours
1tool.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 0
3 days, 17 hours
2020tokyo.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 0
3 days, 17 hours
21k.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 0
3 days, 17 hours
21kschool.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 0
3 days, 17 hours
3eye.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 0
3 days, 17 hours
3wishes.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 0
3 days, 17 hours
3x3.ai3d, 17h | Current Bid : $140.00 | Bids : 0
3 days, 17 hours

Registry Auctions FAQs

How does your registry expired auctions work?

The domain's listed are provided by our registry partners for Dynadot customers to acquire through an auctioning process. Each individual domain auction runs for 10 days total, with the auction period being extended by 1 hour if the domain auction receives a bid within the last hour. The highest bidder wins the domain name once the auction period concludes, with the domain going into the winner's account once the payment for the auction has successfully been processed.

What are the requirements to place a bid?

To place a bid, you'll require a $100 account credit deposit for each domain you place a bid on. If 5% of the auction's price is greater than $100, you'll be required to pay a 5% deposit instead. Use account prepay to add account credit.

Does the account credit deposit get returned to my account once the domain auction has successfully been paid for?

The deposited account credit used to place the bid will be returned to your account once the domain auction payment has been complete, or immediately if you're outbid.

What is the payment period for the registry auctions?

You will have 10 days to pay for any domains won through our registry expired auctions.

What happens if I win the domain but don't complete the payment for the domain name?

Any domains that are won but do not successfully receive payment forfeit the $100 or 5% account credit deposit spent on the auction bid placement.

Are there runner up winners for the registry auction?

There are no runner up winners for our registry auctions. Should the domain not successfully be purchased upon completion of the auction's payment period, the domain will be re-auctioned in the next month's registry expired auction pool.

When is the expiration of domains acquired through your registry expired auctions?

Domains acquired through this auction will have at least 1 year until expiration.
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