
Dynadot Help

Butuh dukungan untuk domain, situs web, atau salah satu alat kami di Dynadot? Gunakan direktori artikel bantuan kami untuk menemukan sumber daya yang Anda butuhkan atau hubungi tim dukungan kami untuk bantuan lebih lanjut.
Berhasil disimpan! Anda dapat menemukan semua artikel yang disimpan di Dynadot Bantuan >Artikel Tersimpan.
  • What is a closeout?

    These are domains that did not receive bids during the expired auction and are now being offered at a reduced price. This pricing structure is the fixed cost plus the renewal cost (applied during checkout).

    This fixed cost decreases every day that the domain is not acquired:

    • Day 1 Fixed Cost: $30
    • Day 2 Fixed Cost: $15
    • Day 3 Fixed Cost: $5

    This program does not require a bid system and these domains are first come, first serve.

    To participate, first create a Dynadot account if you haven't already. We require at least $5 account spending before you can participate. You can prepay $5 into your account and use the account credit to pay for your closeout order.


    • The closeout may be cancelled if the original registrant renews the domain.
    • Due to the nature of closeouts, payments are also required immediately. Otherwise you risk the chance of closeout domains being purchased by someone else or getting cancelled.
    • Closeout domain has a 15 day lock.

    Do closeout domain fees include renewal?
    How do I participate in expired closeouts?

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    Terima kasih atas umpan balik Anda. Kami senang bisa membantu.
    Terima kasih atas masukan Anda. Kami akan terus melakukan perbaikan.

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