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  • How do I add a backup auto-renew payment method for an individual domain?

    Setting up your auto-renew payment method for an individual domain is a great way to prevent your domain from expiring, but adding a backup payment method can provide even more comfort in ensuring you don't lose your domain name! If your domain is set to auto-renew and your default payment fails, we'll try processing your domain's auto-renewal with your backup payment method.

    To set up a backup auto-renew payment method for an individual domain, please follow these steps:
    1. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
    2. Select "My Domains" and then "Manage Domains" in the drop-down.
    3. Click on the domain you wish to edit.
    4. In the "Renew Option" row, click the arrow icon.
    5. Check the box next to "Add a backup payment method" and select your backup payment type.
    6. Click "Save Settings" to save your changes.
    • Your backup payment method must use the same currency as your primary payment type.
    • At the moment, there are 4 payment types used for auto-renewals. You can choose account credit, credit card, checking account, or linked PayPal account (assuming you already added a credit card, checking account, or linked PayPal account).
    • You will need to make sure your credit card is up-to-date or that you have enough account credit to cover future auto-renewal orders.
    • If we cannot process your payment, then your domain will not be renewed and you will receive an email from us about it.
    • The payment method you choose for auto-renewals is no longer the same payment method used for auto-paying expired domain auction orders.

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