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What are the variables that I can use for my Website Builder store manager's order notification emails?

Our Website Builder's store manager offers sellers four custom order email templates to send to customers who purchase from their store. You can use variables within these templates that will fill in information automatically for you. They include:

  • {store.name}: This will input the store name you entered in the "General" section of our commerce editor.
  • {order.orderId}: Our system automatically assigns each order a number. This will input the order number within the email.
  • {order.refundAmount}: We recommend using this variable in both the "order cancelled" email and the "order refunded" email as they should both include a refund amount for the customer's reference.
  • {order.orderTime}: This variable will stamp each order with a date and time based on the time zone selected under "General" and "Standards and formats" within the commerce editor.

How do I edit my order emails?

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