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  • How do I create a storefront within my reseller account?

    How to create a storefront:

    1. Go to the Account Control panel
      1. Reseller - Email Notification:
        1. Enter Support Email Address
        2. Enter Abuse Email Address
      2. Tools - API - Generate an API key (Skip if already has one)
      3. Reseller - My Storefront
        1. Enter Storename
        2. Choose the Default URL or use your own domain
    1. Wait for 5-10 minutes for server to prepare
    2. Visit your storefront

    How to config storefront:
    1. Visit storefront: URL + /admin/ - ex (test.gdg.website/admin/)
    2. (Optional) if you login for the first time:
      1. The username would be Dynadot username
      2. The temp password would be the API key
      3. The page will ask you to reset your password

    How to config payment:
    1. Our reseller storefront is integrated with the Billing platform Called "Stripe". You will need to create a Stripe account for collecting payment from your client. (The payment will not go through Dynadot)
      1. Visit stripe mainsite: https://stripe.com/.
      2. Create a stripe account, go through the steps, and generate a secret/private key.
    2. Add your stripe key to the Billing page

    How to config Product Price:
    1. Visit the Product price page:
    2. Add TLD you want to support
    3. Click on the TLD, to add the price for the TLD

    Please be aware that it might take some time for your name server changes to propagate.

    Fail to follow any of the steps might stop storefront propagation:
    When all steps done., your storefront will be ready to sell

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